Karaoke CD+G Creator Pro

Karaoke CD+G Creator Pro is a professional extension to Karaoke CD+G Creator

Additional features of Pro version include:

Additional display modes

Use overwrite mode to keep-in-sync with fast-paced songs.

Use overwrite mode to keep-in-sync with fast-paced songs.

Use scrolling mode to give the singer as many words as possible.

Use scrolling mode to give the singer as many words as possible.

Split screen duet mode.

Split screen duet mode.

Concurrent singer highlighting.

Concurrent singer highlighting.

Multilanguage versions.

Multilanguage versions.

International character support.
  • Unicode-compatible.
  • Define the font and codepage to use in lyrics editor.
  • Use right-to-left text flow for Arabic, Hebrew, Farsi, and other languages

Make fine adjustments to the CD+G track.
  • Append credit and title screens.
  • Images, with several display effects to choose from, can be inserted anywhere in the song.
  • Make changes to the number of lines per screen, font face, size and text effects (shadow, outline) anywhere in the song.
  • Make changes to text alignment and colors to design credits and comments.
  • Control the flow of text and page breaks
  • Create duets utilizing uncomplicated duet events

Works with Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 10

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      ONLY $159.00
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Bundle with Power CD+G Burner and SAVE $10.00